Bob Atkins Photography


• Fall Foliage Photography
• Acadia Trip Report
• Macro Lenses
• Portrait Lenses
• Lunar Eclipse Photography
• Fireworks Photography
• Online Photo Printing
• Build a Photo Website
• Lens+Filter Cleaning
• Sensor Cleaning I
• Sensor Cleaning II
• Digital Filters
• Avoiding Photo Scams
• Teleconverters
• Mirror Lenses
• Canon IS lenses
• Mirror Lockup - MLU
• Brand Wars
• Equipment Addiction
• Older Lens Ratings
• Nature photo primer
• A Photography FAQ
• Caveat Emptor
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This guide to quality ratings on some older Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma, Tokina, Tamron and Leitz lenses was originally posted to the Usenet groups and is reproduced here with permission from Grover Larkins. All comments and questions about these lens ratings should be addresses to [Grover Larkins]
Here are some Lens Rankings Based upon Personal Experiences of several
Closely Allied Pro Photographers: 

ONLY OPINIONS If you disagree, fine; if you flame I'll ignore you 
(as will most others). They may not include your pet lens -- if not 
I'm sorry but it isn't one we use or I've omitted it inadvertently. 

This version has updated teleconverter information -- better 
estimation scheme thanks to Bob Atkins -- and it also rates two of 
the Russian lenses often asked about at the end. 

Rating is on a scale of 0-5 w/5 high and are Optical, Mechanical --

5 = Super -- Sharp at All Apertures until Diffraction Limit set in with
Outstanding Contrast and Flare Resistance.

4 = Very Good -- Center 75% of the Image is Sharp Wide Open and by 2
stops down entire image is crisp w/very good contrast and flare
resistance at all apertures.

3 = Good -- May have to be stopped down more than 2 stops to get the
entire image sharp and contrast could be better but is still OK, Flare
resistance is not as good as it could be -- this is a lens you need to
be cautious using a teleconverter with.

2 = So-So -- Portraits and Family Photos -- Contrast is acceptable but
not nearly as good as a 3 or 4 rated lens, don't even think of using a
teleconverter. May have one good aperture for sharpness and contrast
but in general a lens strictly for amateur use.

1 = Dog -- Only slightly better than an Instamatic Lens.

0 = Awful -- a lens polished using sandpaper or bubble gum.

Mechanical Ratings -
5= Pro Quality in EVERY respect
4= Better than Avg. Amateur quality
3= Avg. Amateur Quality.
2= Below Avg. Quality
1= It will Break in Normal Use 
0= Manufactured Broken.

Teleconverter ratings should be as follows (gives ESTIMATE ONLY!)
Lens + TC = Lens rating*Teleconverter rating/5 Hence for the 400 f3.5
EDIF Nikkor the Rating w/a TC14 is = 5X4.5/5 = 4.5
With the TC 300/301 the 400 f3.5 EDIF = 4.2

Lenses:                           Ratings (optical/mechanical)

20 f2.8 MF AIS Nikkor --------------------- 5,5
24 f2.8 MF AI/AIS Nikkor ------------------ 4.5,5
28 f2.0 MF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 4.5,5
28 f2.8 Series E Nikon -------------------- 4.5,4
35 f2.5 Series E Nikon -------------------- 3,4
35 f2.0 MF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 3.5,5
35 f1.4 MF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 5,5
35 f2.0 AF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 5,4
50 f1.4 MF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 4.5,5
50 f1.8 MF Nikkor AIS --------------------- 4,5
50 f1.8 Series E Nikon -------------------- 4,4
55 f1.2 Nikkor ---------------------------- 3,5 (a true dog)
55 f3.5 Micro Nikkor AI and Non-AI -------- 5,5
55 f2.8 Micro Nikkor AIS ------------------ 4.5,4.5
55 mm f2.8 AF Micro Nikkor ---------------- 4.5,4
58 f1.2 Noct Nikkor ----------------------- 5,5
60mm f2.8 AF Micro Nikkor ----------------- 5,4
85 f1.4 MF AIS Nikkor --------------------- 5,5
85 f1.8 AF Nikkor ------------------------- 5,4
105 f4 Micro Nikkor ----------------------- 4.5,5
105 f2.8 MF AIS Micro Nikkor -------------- 4,5
105 AF Micro Nikkor ----------------------- 5,5
200 IF Micro Nikkor MF -------------------- 5,5
200 IF Micro Nikkor AF -------------------- 5,5 (Goes to 1:1 and 
does better at infinity due to ED Elements)
180 ED MF Nikkor -------------------------- 4.8,5
180 EDIF AF Nikkor ------------------------ 5,5 (New Version)
180 EDIF AF Nikkor ------------------------ 5,4 (Old Version)
200 f2.0 EDIF Nikkor ---------------------- 4.5,5
300 f4.5 MF Nikkor (Non-ED)---------------- 3,4.5
300 f4.5 EDIF Nikkor ---------------------- 4.8,5
300 f4 EDIF AF Nikkor --------------------- 5,5
300 f2.0 EDIF MF Nikkor ------------------- 5,5
300 f2.8 EDIF MF Nikkor ------------------- 5,5
300 f2.8 EDIF AF-I Nikkor ----------------- 5,5
300 f2.8 EDIF AF-N Nikkor ----------------- 4.8,4.8
300 f2.8 EDIF AF 1st vers. Nikkor---------- 4.8,4
400 f5.6 EDIF Nikkor ---------------------- 4.8,5
400 f3.5 EDIF Nikkor ---------------------- 5,5
500 f8 Mirror Nikkor ---------------------- 3.8,5
500 f4 EDIF-P Nikkor ---------------------- 5,4.5(Wimpy Tripod Mt.)
500 f4 EDIF-AF Nikkor --------------------- 5,5 
(AF Version IS sharper  wide open in the corners than the MF but 
they both are quite good)
600 f5.6 EDIF Nikkor ---------------------- 5,5
600 f4 EDIF Nikkor (AIS) ------------------ 5,5
600 f4 EDIF-AF Nikkor --------------------- 5,5
600 f4 EDIF Nikkor (AI) ------------------- 5,5
75-150 f3.5 Series E Nikon ---------------- 5,4.5
80-200 f4.5 AI Nikkor --------------------- 5,5
43-86 Nikkor ------------------------------ 3,4.5  
(Later vers. better but still not great)
80-200 f2.8 EDIF MF Nikkor ---------------- 5,5
80-200 f2.8 EDIF AF Nikkor ---------------- 4.8,4  (No Tripod Mt)
50-300 f4.5 EDIF Nikkor ------------------- 5,5
200-400 ED MF AIS Nikkor ------------------ 5,5
TC-14/14B/14E ----------------------------- 4.5,5
TC-300/301 -------------------------------- 4.2,4.5 
TC-20E ------------------------------------ 4.8,5 
(Noticably better than TC-301)

20-35 f2.8 EF-L --------------------------- 4.2,4.5 
(Flare a bit worse than in prime but still awfully good!)
100 f2.0 EF ------------------------------- 4.5,4
300 f4 EF L ------------------------------- 5,5
300 f2.8 EF-L ----------------------------- 5,5
400 f5.6 EF-L ----------------------------- 4,5
500 f4.5 EF-L ----------------------------- 4.8,5   
(f4.5 + 1.4X = No Autofocus!!!)
600 f4 EF-L ------------------------------- 5,5
24 EF TS ---------------------------------- 4.5,5
45 EF TS ---------------------------------- 4.5,5
90 EF TS ---------------------------------- 4.8,5
80-200 f2.8 EF-L (Early) ------------------ 4,4.5
80-200 f2.8 EF-L (Recent)------------------ 4.5,4.5
70-200 f2.8 EF-L -------------------------- 4.8,5
100-300 f5.6 EF-L ------------------------- 3.5,4  (
Gets Loads better when you put a tripod mount on it!
A buddy of mine makes such a mount, costs about $150 or so
-- E-mail me for info.)

35mm FD TS -------------------------------- 4.5,5
80-200 f4 FD L ---------------------------- 4.8,5
300 f2.8 FD-L ----------------------------- 4.5,5
300 f2.8 Fluorite ------------------------- 4.8,5
400 f4.5 FD ------------------------------- 3,4.5
500 f4.5 FD-L ----------------------------- 5,5
500 f4.5 FD Fluorite ---------------------- 5,5
600 f4.5 FD ------------------------------- 3.5,4.5
150-600 f5.6 FD-L ------------------------- 4.9,4 
(Some break in the Middle!)
1.4X EF ----------------------------------- 4.5,5

200 f4 Macro ED --------------------------- 5,5
300 f4.5 AF EDIF -------------------------- 4.9,4.5
300 f2.8 EDIF MF -------------------------- 4.5,5
200-600 f5.6 ED AF Zoom ------------------- 4.8,4.8

200 f2.8 APO ------------------------------ 4.5,5
300 f2.8 APO ------------------------------ 4.5,5
600 f4 APO -------------------------------- 4.5,5

80-200 f2.8 APO (Canon EF mt.) ------------ 4.8,4.8
300 f2.8 APO (Minolta Maxxum Mt.) --------- 4.5,4   
(MF Linkage Breaks sometimes)
400 f5.6 APO Canon EF Mt. ----------------- 4.7,4.8
Sigma Teleconverter 1.4X --(AF) ----------- 3.7,4.5 
(Vignettes w/long teles)

300 f2.8 MF Nikon mt. --------------------- 4.8,4.8
300 f2.8 AF Nikon Mt. --------------------- 4.8,4.5
80-200 f2.8 APO MF ATX Nikon Mt. ---------- 4.5,4.5 
(Tripod Mount is chinzy)
100-300 f4 APO MF ATX Nikon Mt. ----------- 4.5,4.8

300 f2.8 LDIF MF (Early) ------------------ 4,4.8
300 f2.8 LDIF MF (Recent) ----------------- 4.4,4.8
300 f2.8 LDIF AF -------------------------- 4.5,4.5
400 f4 LDIF MF ---------------------------- 4.2,4.8
200-500 f5.6 MF --------------------------- 3.5,4.5
80-200 f2.8 AF (Nikon) -------------------- 4.5,4.5
Teleconverter 1.4X (AF) ------------------- 3.7,4.5 
(Tends to Vignette w/some long teles)

100 f2.8 Macro R -------------------------- 5,5
280 f2.8 APO R ---------------------------- 5,5
400 f2.8 APO R ---------------------------- 5,5
180 f3.4 APO R ---------------------------- 5,5
180 f2.8 R--------------------------------- 4.5,5
560 R ------------------------------------- 4,4.5 (Clumsy)
1.4X Teleconverter ------------------------ 4.5,5
2X Teleconverter -------------------------- 4.3,5

Russian 300 f2.8 -------------------------- 3,4
Russian 35mm PC --------------------------- 3.5,4

[Home Page] Last Modified 05/24/2008 07:26:38