Abstract: Books, Cameras, Lenses etc. for sale

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Bob Atkins Photography

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Stuff For Sale

Every so often I need to clear out stuff that I don't use - in order to make more room for new stuff! I'm not a dealer, all these items are my own property which I either bought myself or received as gifts.

I can take payment via PayPal, including payment by credit cards.

You can reach me by email at bobatkins@hotmail.com

Books for Sale (Shipping is $3 for 1 book, $4.50 for  2, $6 for 3, $1 for each additional book)

wildla.jpg (3432 bytes)

Wild LA: A Celebration of the Natural Areas in and Around the City by James Lawrence. Hardback. 192 pages.

Photography of the natural world, in and around Los Angeles. Published by the Sierra Club at $40

Condition: New     Price: $20

wildseattle.jpg (3999 bytes)

Wild Seattle: A Celebration of the Natural Areas in and Around the City by Doug Scott, Terry Donnelly, Mary Liz Austin, Timothy Egan. Hardback 180 pages.

Photography of the natural world in and around Seattle, from Olympic Nation Park to the North Cascades. Published by the Sierra Club at $40.

Condition: New     Price: $20

dorazio.gif (26315 bytes) Sante D'Orazio: Photographs by Sante D'Orazio. Hardcover 225 pages. First Edition.

B&W photography by Sante D'Orazio (who has shot for Playboy, Victoria's Secret, Vogue, Esquire, and Vanity Fair) of such celebrities as Kate Moss, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, and Helena Christenson,  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey, Cameron Diaz, Johnny Depp, Sean Penn and many more. Fine art printed in Italy by Arena Editions at $65

Cover as shown (the was also an alternate, non-nude cover)

Condition: Like New       Price $30

100best.jpg (6228 bytes) 100 Best Pictures by National Geographic  Collector's Edition Volume 1

Published by National Geographic at $9.95

Condition: Like New    Price: $5

100bestwildlife.jpg (4637 bytes) 100 Best Wildlife Pictures by National Geographic. Collector's Edition Volume 3.

Published by National Geographic at $9.95

Condition: Like New   Price $5

Lenses and Filters (shipping $5 per lens, $2.50 per filter, unless otherwise satated)

TM2425.jpg (8326 bytes) Tamron 24mm f2.5 lens in Tamron Adaptall mount. Can be adapted to almost any manual focus camera and many autofocus cameras with the appropriate Adaptall adapter. This lens is 1/3 stop faster than the more commonly founs f2.8 lenses.

tam24.gif (9693 bytes)

(Adaptall adapter NOT included)

New price (discount) - $305

Condition: Mint, just like new    Price: $150

Tamron 28mm f2.5 lens in Tamron Adaptall mount. Can be adapted to almost any manual focus camera and many autofocus cameras with the appropriate Adaptall adapter. This 28mm F2.5 lens is 1/3 stop faster than the more usually found 28mm f2.8.

(Adaptall adapter NOT included)

Condition: Mint, just like new    Price: $75

67mm Tiffen linear polarizing filter.

Note this is a LINEAR polarizer a CIRCULAR polarizer. It's recommended that you use a circular polarizer on all modern autofocus cameras to avoid potential focus and exposure errors. This filter should be fine on most manual focus cameras.

Condition: New   Price: $15 (includes hard case)

If you want a CIRCULAR version of this polarizer, Amazon have them for $49.99

© Copyright Bob Atkins All Rights Reserved
Last Modified 05/16/2008 20:35:03